This flyer rules but the scan sucks. Anyway.....
August 3rd saw one of NYC's best local punk shows in a good while. People came out from all over this godforsaken city and went crazy for every band. Newcomers Nomad impressed with some loud ass, noisy D-beasting raw shit in the Disclose vein with lyrics shouted with serious conviction in Japanese. My band Dawn of Humans played and it was hectic; I jumped into the crowd and fucked my boy Mike's face up with my bass. Thriller's set killed, their brand of punk as fuck NYHC was perfect for getting low and fucking shit up.
Then NYC raw punk darlings Perdition took the stage. It was their tour kick off show and one of their first since Alex their guitarist broke his hand skating. Holy fuck. The Rock Star Bar fucking blew up; it seemed like everyone was violent pogoing or hate moshing (hahaha...). I thought back to their first show, also at the same venue, also batshit crazy, opening for Rotten Cadaver in 2007(?), and realized how much more of a destructive and devastating force they've become. They've progressed lightyears and are deservedly reigning kings of the NYC punk scene.
Headliners Brain Killer (grab their demo below), fresh back from their tour, provided a fitting closer for the night. These dudes have perfected their craft and are one of the mightiest hardcore bands playing these days. Seek out all their shit if you haven't already; between them and Perdition, it seems US raw fucking punk is being kicked into some next level shit. Pretty exciting if you ask me.
Below some videos of Perdition that night, stolen from Jack Crank's blog, No Gods No Vegetables. Thanks Jack!
Perdition @ Rockstar Bar, Aug 3rd 2009 from Jack Crank on Vimeo.
Perdition at Rockstar Bar, Aug 3rd 2009 from Jack Crank on Vimeo.